I managed it!


Can't quite believe it or know how I managed it, but I have managed to submit my thesis only 1 day over the 3 year mark and 2 months before my baby arrives!

Hoping to get the viva in before December so if anyone has any tips they'd be very much appreciated. Thanks,



Congratulations! well done. Although it seems impossible, submitting in three years is amazing. what subject area was your thesis on? Imagine, you will be a mum when you sit for the viva!


Amazing, impressive!!! Congratulations!


Well done.


My subject area was Biology/Biochemistry. I think having a baby on the way was what pushed me to get it done so quick otherwise I would probably just be finishing in the lab now!


Congrats - very well done! Submitting in 3 years is pretty damn good - out of all the people I've known do PhDs only 2 of them managed to do this.

Very best of luck with the pregnancy and birth (and the viva of course!)