I need a third reference!


Ok.. as some of you may remember I got rejected for a PhD position a few weeks ago. Well, since then I got offered another one. Anyway, just now the School postgrad student co-ordinator has just e-mailed me to ask for a THIRD academc reference. I already have two on my form - my programme manager and 3rd year project supervisor. I just can't think of anyone else to put on it :-(
I might e-mail my programme manager, see if he has any bright ideas...
I'm panicking...


Academic. I e-mailed my personal tutor.. may seem like an obvious choice, but I have this feeling that he doesn't like me... lets say we don't quite see eye to eye. Plus I haven't seen him since 2nd year. Anyway, if he says no, its REALLY time to panic...


hmmm how about lecturer or tutor or something.


Thanks for all your replies.. I've mailed my tutor and he seems happy to write me a reference so I've just passed on his details. The only lecturers I got on well with are the two that are already referees - for all the other lecturers I'm merely one student of about 200, if you get me.. certainly none I've spoken to personally. Anyway.. I hope this works out...
As I said I've been accepted by the supervisor, wonder what is going to happen now...


Dan - they may get wise when they receive a reference from Prof. B. from Belford


Thanks very much for the offer, Dr Dan B. However I am pleased to be able to tell you that I was offered this position several months ago and therefore no longer need a reference


yep, Dr Dan's been digging up old threads again, but we love him for it really


Thanks! What would you say about me?


Aww that's very nice of you