I was busted...


...yesterday by my supervisor with my feet on the desk looking on this forum when I should have been hard at work...

Anyone got any good excuses I can give him?


research for your phd?


personal problems?


well, you already gave him the best excuse He now knows that you are a normal human-being and you don't need to make yourself look "right" in order to do your research. However if you feel uncomfortable with the fact that he's seen you on your normal behaviour, then you can always try blackmailing him.


DanB., isn't thecoastman lucky that your mother wasn't there...


say something like "oh it was a pop-up u know superV how it is these days with all the junk turning up in your computer" OR
" a bit of privacy please if you don't mind, this is a free country and you are evading my personal space which includes my rights as a research individual to express opinions with my peers" (ha ha I wish I could only dream the sup's face when you say this


I think the thing that's worrying me is the whole feet up business, I don't want him to think that I'm a lazy studentship-sponging layabout! But having just handed in a 22000 word report should show that I'm not...


feet up or down.. you still type with your fingers, don't you???