Integrated PhD and Masters


Does anyone know about an integrated degree program in the biosciences area or something similar???
I can only find the one at the University of Leeds in the UK...
If u know anythin I'd really appreciate the info...
Cheers!!! :-)


MA programmes organised by the School of Humanities and Social Science (SHSS) or the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), the joint Excellence Initiative funded by the German Research Council (DFG) between Jacobs University and University of Bremen.
Our mission is to provide high quality end to end solutions to the BPO segment in a manner that will improve the operational efficiency while reducing the cost of the services to the client.


There are quite a few 'new style' PhDs available now in the sciences where you spend a year doing an interdisciplinary MRes and then go on to do 3 more years of an actual PhD.  These are available at a variety of universities, if you type in MRes/PhD into google or try 4 year PhD program you should get some info. The 4 year PhD is becoming more common place now, but these are not always awarded with a master/PhD combo. Just out of interest is there a particular reason you want to get a masters and a PhD at the same time? I am not sure if that is really necessary for the science world.