Interest in PhD topic. Essential?


I start in Oct and have heard so many discussions regarding the importance in having interest in your PhD topic (see 26/08/05 PhD proposal entry).
Forgive me for sounding naive Bob, (dig at 28/08/05 entry PhD morons) but I am unsure of the precise area of my PhD. Dont get me wrong, I have a vague idea and have some interest but have not looked into it further (busy doing MSc dissertation.)


Three years is a long time to study something you don't like. Putting together a detailed PhD proposal will give you a better idea whether you're really interested in this subject or not.


I'm in exactly the same situation as you Barry B, my future supervisor told me that once you find something of interest, there will be scope to take it in a different direction. Most PhDs don't end up being exactly what the proposal describes anyway. Just concentrate on the dissertation and don't worry about it for now. Best of luck.


Thanks Mia and Chloe. I certainly will be concentrating on this dissertation. It is also comforting to know I am not the only one in this position.


It denpends what you want after! If you want to continue with sience you should do a PhD that attracts you! If you just want the degree it is not so important, but ask yourself whether you can motivate yourself during 3-4 years doing something you do not really like. Good luck!