Is a PhD worth doing?


I'm studying Chemistry with Pharmaceutical and Forensic Science and hopefully I should get a First or a good Second. What benifits are there from doing a PhD? I am confused... I understand that you get to expand your knowledge and concentrate your expertise, but what type of jobs can you get at the end? Are you more employable? I get the impression that for a lot of jobs you can be over-qualified. Also, how much different would the pay be compared to someone with just a degree?


i am working in the pharmaceutical industry doing research and I know from experience that to get anywhere in this field you need a phd. If you have any plans to stay in science and are ambitious then a phd is a must. The pay is vastly different: on average a graduate can expect to start on around 20K compared to a PhD who will start on 25-30K probably nearer 30K. You will also get a lot more respect from co-workers. If you have no intentions of staying in science then its a personal choice.


PhD is not worth doing if earning money is your sole motive. A 3 month diploma in Microsoft .Net technology will make more money for you than a PhD.