Is it reasonable to quit PHD out of loss of interest ?


Hi guys, I need some help to make a judgment: is it reasonable for the advisor to say that "you don't want to do this because you have lost interest. But PHD is a job." ?

My instinct was that even if one lost interest in the thesis, it's his/her freedom to decide to quit. Is this too individualistic?

Thanks a lot!


I'm no expert in the rules of a PhD but I would think it's reasonable for your supervisor to suggest that if you're no longer interested in the topic it's maybe a waste of your time as they are also putting time and effort into it at their end. However I don't think the supervisor can make you quite for that reason.

Depending on what year of study you are in I would think long and hard about whether you want to spend the next few years studying a topic you lack interest in. The PhD is intended to make you an "expert" in your chosen topic and you won't get the most out of it if it's not a topic you enjoy.


You can quit for what ever reason you like.