job application help


Hi hope you good people don't mind me asking for help. I'm trying to fill in an application for a research assistant post (part time while I'm writing up) one of the essential criteria is "Commitment to and understanding of equal opportunities issues within a diverse and multicultural environment" has anyone got any idea what I can say in a paragraph other than yes I am committed to that! I just can't seem to get the wording right.

I did do a course recently on equality and diversity in teaching but don't know whether I can make that relevent to research. Seem to have brain freeze.

A star to any helpful users as have to get this in tonight! :-)


These sorts of questions are really had to deal with as (as you have suggested) you aren't going to put anything other than yes.

All I can suggest is you give an example - I had to fill in a form at work for my annual appraisal which had all the competencies (including equality and diversity) and so in answer to

"Understand equal opportunity issues as they may impact on academic content and issues relating to student need"

I wrote

"Yes – eg have taken account of a student’s caring responsibilities in context of fieldwork; ensured that non-EU students were advised in good time of the visa requirements to ensure they were able to participate in international fieldwork; consulted with / advised students regarding dietary requirements / cultural sensitivities prior to and during fieldwork."

Could you put something in similar - eg with reference to the course you undertook or is there something in your research that you can put in (eg if you are researching with people can you put in that you ensured that you discussed access or other special arrangements with participants or what about howing sensitivity to Muslim colleagues during Ramadan or Orthodox Jewish colleagues (or participants) on Friday afternoons in winter, what about covering for a colleague with caring responsibilities if they have to go off work at short notice or letting a student leave eary to pick children up from school).

I think the fact that you have taken a course on equality and diversity shows you are committed.


Sorry - just seen the "I have to get this in tonight" - only saw it this morning so sorry if I am too late


Sorry - just seen the "I have to get this in tonight" - only saw it this morning so sorry if I am too late


Thanks for the reply anyway...some good ideas in there for next time. I ended up putting in something ok-ish....hopefully won't not get shortlisted on the basis of niot having a great answer to this.....more likel I work get shortlisted for submitted an online application for at 1.30am on the day of the deadline. Doean't exactly scream goos time management skills!!