Job application process Q


I am in the process of applying for jobs, with very little success.

I found an ad for my dream job. I met all the essential and most of the desirable criteria. I put a lot of effort into my application.
All 3 of my referees were contacted last week by the job people and I am confident all 3 of them would say good things about me.

Now, one week later, I have not heard a word from the job people. No calls, no emails, no "please come for an interview". I am devastated. I really want that job.

Do you think it is time to face the fact that they are not going to contact me?


Give them a ring to ask.


Aw, don't give up yet Piglet! Your referees might have been prompt in responding, but maybe they are waiting for other people's to get back before they finalise a short list of people to interview? Or maybe they havent had time to sort this out yet? A week isnt long (I know it'll feel like it to you), esp this time of year.

If they contacted your referees that means you have passed the first hurdle, they must be looking at your application seriously.


A week is not a long time in interview terms. I was offered an interview once 2 weeks after my referees were contacted. Especially if it's an academic position, you know the speed university administration moves at.


By the way what is your dream job?


I would call the personnel dept or dept secretary - this way you can find out about your application without losing face with the potential employers. Although if you already have a rapport with one of them I would email direct and say you were wondering when they are likely to make their decision. Shows you are keen without being pushy!


Had the job a closing date? If the closing date is yet to come, I suppose they would like to have the details of all the applicants before they decide who is going to be interviewed.


The closing date was 17th Nov - I got my application in about a week before that, and didn't start thinking about hearing anything until after the 17th. Then my referees emailed and said they had been contacted and wished me luck with the next step...then nothing for a week now.

I just really would love this job. It is at a great uni, working in a field as related to my PhD as I can hope for (my PhD is in a narrow field and no research opportunities in it exactly). It sounded like an job with chance to continue learning (ie. not routine) with a very successful group in a modern lab.

I will stop whinging now and not give up hope yet. I will call the HR people tomorrow when it is 2 weeks since the closing date for an update. Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed.
Thank you everyone.