Journal Publication


I am in search of good computer science journals (related to Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining)which offer less turn around time (A month or two)


Ok! Good to hear.


I want to know about any journals with lesser response time !


I am in search of a jam doughnut. I want a jam doughnut!


Hello Noname, and welcome. I have processed your request with short turn around time. Your search ends here:

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I want a PhD, which offers less turn around time: a month or two would be great. Oh! and then a postdoc which pays about 70k PA.


Quote From walminskipeasucker:

Hello Noname, and welcome. I have processed your request with short turn around time. Your search ends here:

Thanks for your effort but this does not return any journal with less turn around time..
The only journal that appears is Journal of Universal Computer Science


You could always Ask Jeeves - he knows everything. Formerly a mild mannered butler, Jeeves has diversified his talents and is now the UK's premier know-it-all on matters including good computer science journals with highly efficient turnaround times. I'd like to wish you good luck, but in Jeeves' capable hands you'll be fine.


Oooh wally you reminded me of my Wodehouse days..... aunt agatha, bertie, oh I was so hooked on to them!!