let's hear your disaster stories!


had a disaster of a week, first i dropped my lowest passage numbered cells accidently in the liquid nitrogen and then i discovered that my other my cells had become infected! so went home and cried, felt like a silly girl and that i'm not cut out for a PhD after all....and maybe i'll go and be a hairdresser (always fancied that) but perhaps that would be worse, i could cause lots of accidents with scissors!


At some point in my undergrad 1st year I dropped a test tube full of urine...


I had a disaster yesterday. Was thinking to self in the morning how smoothly phd had gone to the extent I hadnt even lost any work on the computer. Went out for lunch, came back and - you guessed it - all the work I'd done that morning had not saved! Well, it wasnt a huge disaster but it felt it at the time!! oh well, its all over now


I had a problem with my disertation too..

The weekend before I was due to hand it in I was doing the last few thousand words at a friends house using their laptop so i had saved it to cd and my stickdrive just to be safe.. Unfortunately I put them all into my bag and left it in my car over night.. Someone broke into my car and stole my bag including my finished project and all my references.. I was not a happy bunny!


that really sucks! Especially as it wasn't even your fault!


Mine was nicked in sunny Slough... I guess I should have known better than to not nail it down!!

The Police were next to useless.. 'Sorry mate nothing we can do.. Does it look like there is any evidence in the car that you can bring into us to look at'.. Blooming waste of space!!!