looking for legel support


Hello every one,

I have serious problems with my university. I complain them to the OIA, however, it is more than 10 months and OIA still can not provide a case handler for my complaint. Due to that I think I need to go to the court, but the problem is that I don't have enough resources to pay for the lawyers. So I appreciate if any one of you have any idea where I can get legal support for free or for low fees.

Thank you


hi webking, so sorry to hear about your case. Is there any way you can resolve the problem without taking it to court?

How bout asking the citizens' advice bureau people? But you may not be able to make an advance appointment though, you may have to go on whatever day they are open, and wait very long to speak to an advisor. You can try calling them as well.

I had some problems with my landlord, the realty agent could not do anything-- all they could do was say "yes we told the landlord, we are waiting for his reply"

but the citizens advice bureau people were able to help me sort it out! They were excellent!

good luck, and hope it doesn't stress you out any further

love satchi


Thank you Satchi, I'm not sure if I can use the services of the citizens' advice bureau. I'm not a citizen of the UK; I'm foreign student from the Middle East.


hi webking
the citizens advice bureau works for residents of the UK, and that includes you. If you go inside on a busy day, you will see a lot of foreign people there.

I hope you can resolve this problem without having to go to court, as it is a long and strenuous process going through the courts.

Have you spoken to people from your embassy? Perhaps they could suggest something to help you.

best of luck

love satchi