Looking for PhD in USA or Australia


Hi, is there a database similar to www.findaphd.com to look for PhD studentships in USA or Australia?

I've been told that it is not a requirement to have a masters degree before applying for a PhD in the UK. Is this also the case in USA or Australia?



In regards to Australia, it would depend on your discipline. I'm in social sciences, and yep, people don't need to have a Masters, but it does help. Otherwise you'd need to have a good undergrad degree with first class honours. I don't think there's a site like findaphd, but I didn't need to search for mine - I contacted a potential supervisor with an idea for a topic, and went from there.

Here's a site that might help: http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au

Good luck!


i am currently looking for a place for me to do my PhD. im eyeing UK and Australia universities. i heard bad rumours about doing PhD in australia. can anyone tell me any bad thing or good thing about doing PhD in UK or australia. i dont want to experience it once ive enrolled the programme