Masters marks- does it matter?


well.. i have done my undergrad abroad and have a masters in the Uk in the relevent field for my phd.. however I have scored really well in my undergrad .. and not that great in masters.. i missed first class by a percent... does it really matter for phd applicants to have a first class at Masters level...(i have seen in some unis website).. i am worried...more because i am not a home student!


I would say probably yes. In my field entry to PHd's [via funding opp's] is very, very competitive. I would say even more so if you're not a Home or EU student. If you are a self-funder it's not such a big deal. Of course transcripts will show how close to the Distinction you were [if they read that far as I'm informed is not always the case].


By first class, you do mean a distinction?


My first degree is with a distinction and I also hold a diploma in my field of research. My mastres scores are not great, but I have scored really well in Dissertation that has even pulled up my overall average. DanB, I assume a 2.1 in Masters is somewhere between 50-60%. If that is the case, I fall into that category. And Ann first class is above 60% and Distinction is above 70% and only 10-15 students have scored distinction in my Uni since the inception of the course


In mine a distinction was 70% + overall which equates to a 1st. A 2.1 would be 60%+.


As is often said on here what counts is the viewpoint of the Admissions Tutor. All you can do is put together the best possible application and see how you go.


Well I have applied now... and have to wait for the responses.... the wait is killing....