masters with distiction

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sweetchic - Why did you think Matt had any connection with FindAPhD?


the format of your last reply is a bit confusing. the list of names that you are reply to, if one reads it from the top- you'd think Matt, Sue and Amanda are part of the team..not til you see your name next..then you realist they are members. get the drift?

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Is it any better now?


yap it is, but you didn't have to bother changing it. thanks for taking the trouble though.


Matt is wrong. A masters degree is NOT a failed Phd - it is a seperate degree taken at a different time in a career.

Original question - I got a distinction on my Masters (in research). Out of 8 modules 4 + dissertation needed to be 70% or above.I got over 70% in 7/8 modules.

But - funding is more to do with, do-ability of your proposal, your ability to do it (e.g. appropriate training), suitability of your supervisor and a good research proposal.

That's what counts - not if you have a distinction or not.

Good luck