Momentous Endnote Occasion!


Just to let you all know, my personal Endnote library hit 1000 articles today! And purely by chance, the 1000th article was about the entire genome of the organism I work with being published. Freaky.

Admittedly, I have not read them all abstract to references, but I never add articles to my library for no reason. That is 1000 articles since I started my PhD that in some way are related to what I study. Sigh.

I think that is worth a beer!


Congratulations on your endnote victory!

I have been very poor at keeping my library updated & know I have got to spend a least a whole day or more even in the near future updating it...


congratulations, thats a lot of diligent reading!

I had been using my own access database but just got endnote. I am confuzzled so can you advise on two banal things? Where do I put the passage of text I am wanting to reference and, on harvard, in the pages field, why doesn't it show up in the reference e.g. pp230-243?


Doesn't count unless you read them LOL!


Oh, MsCrow, I use Endnote in the simplest possible way, and beyond the basics, I am a simpleton.

Regarding your Q about where do you put the passage of text to reference - not sure what you mean. Do you mean you want to save the words from the original article that you are referring to, on Endnote - in which case, I would just cut and paste them under Notes for your own benefit later. If you do this, not sure what happens if you refer to the same article more than once though.

Regarding Harvard, do you mean you are missing page numbers in your bibliography? If the page numbers are in each record under the Pages heading, they should appear in the bibliography - sorry I am not much help with this. Can you give me some more info on your problems - my friend is a hero with Endnote and may be able to help me help you.


Ok, Its time to create my bibliography chapter from all my references stored in endnote. Anyone know how to do it? I have not used all of the my references in endnote in my thesis, so do I have to manually go through them at see which ones I have used to sort them out, or can Endnote do that for me???


So what's the average number of references everyone has got then?

re the pages thing, if you mean how to get them in the in text citatin, have you got 'cited pages' included as a field for the citation in your output style? Tho TBH I have gone with putting page numbers in the suffix box as it seems easier to manage.


tina, if you have used 'cite while you write', then click on the button on the Endnote toolbar in Word called 'format bibiolography' and it will bring up a box where you get to nominate the format of the bibigraphy you want, and which endnote library you want the references to come from, and then click OK and it will give you a bibliography list at the end of your document. You may have to play around with formats etc and Endnote will take a few minutes to do the whole process if you have used lots of references. If you have not used cite while you write, I'm sorry, I cannot help you - you are beyond the scope of my knowledge. But always double check the list, because that is where you find all the mistakes you have made while entering articles into Endnote over the years!