Moving from surveying to reviewing literature


Hi all,

I am writing my first peice of literature review and could do with some help/advice :$ - I wonder if you guys have any tips on moving from surveying literature to reviewing it critically?

I am currently writing on a specific topic that I have reviewed first (background on what it is), I am then looking at what others have critically said about this topic and narrate that (which is still surveying). I will now add what I think is missing from this topic (has not been mentioned or downfalls). Is this the correct approach? I feel like I am not reviewing well enough. Should I also be critically reviewing the criticism of others?

Thanks all :-)


this sounds good! to critique what others have done, say what you think is missing and what might be wrong with what others have done/said, and what is really good about what others have done and said .. so, yes this sounds like you are on the correct lines!