Msc part time study


I am employed but hoping to complete an MSc through part time study. According to the university it is possible for me to do this over 2-4 years but it is quite a commitment for me. Are there any rough guidelines as to the number of hours of study i would have to manage to fit in each week to successfully complete my MSc? I appreciate that this depends on so many different things but any advice would be much appreciated! Thankyou

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Unlike many undergraduate degrees MSc courses tend to run throughout the year, with limited numbers of holidays and full time tables. So if a full time student works 35-40 hours per week, you can expect to do a proportion of this depending on how many years you take the course over.


Well I work and study a Msc, going well but I spend most of my week ends, holidays and even take some days off to complete assignments. Tough but definitely very rewarding in the long term.

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How many hours per week do you spend on your MSc (lectures, tutorials, independant study, etc)?


hours for Msc part time/week:
lectures: 4-5 hours
+ for a "normal" week : 4-5 hours of reading, independant study
Every 2/3 months two assignments:minimum 10hours every week during 2 to 3 weeks. Lenghth could also varies according to the subject studied (more or less research needed)


I have just completed my MSc in biomedical science whilst working in a hospital lab. It was a 2 year course, with 1 day out of 5 at uni. I guess the amount of hours depends on the effort. A couple of evenings during the week and a small part of the weekend and i passed with merit. Now hoping to do a PhD. Hope this helps.