need some help to get this paper



I really appreciate if anyone can get this paper as I can't access it through my university's library.

Le Quoc, S. Xiong, Y.F. & Cheng, R. M. H. (1992). Identificatioan and control of non-linear hydraulic systems. International off-high & powerplant congress and exposition, Milwaukee, SAE paper 9221622.



Do you know which database it is in? I've tried looking for it through Google Scholar but can't find it.


======= Date Modified 12 Mar 2011 05:54:50 =======
Hi Chococake

I'm not sure what database it is, the above information is the only detail that I have about the paper. It is actually a reference of this paper:
Optimal-tuning nonlinear PID control of hydraulic systems, by G. P. Liu and S. Daley, 2000.


======= Date Modified 12 Mar 2011 09:30:33 =======
SAE seem to have their own website and articles/books etc available direct through them - for a fee of course!

I can see your article Huhu but couldn't access the whole thing. I checked two university databases but SAE wasn't listed at all.

Their ref is:

maybe try the poor student direct approach and see will they email it to you!! Nothing ventured, nothing gained...;-)