No support


I started my PhD in October and so far I havnt made much progres but I supose that is to be expected as I am doing something quite novel. However, although I have 4 supervisors I feel that I am not getting enough support. My main lab supervisor is very helpful but he is not always around as he from a different department and has other priorities.


My other supervisor I don't find very helpful at all. I feel like I'm being left to get on with things myself when at this stage I still don't know what i'm doing. Is this normal?


That is a lot. Must be like going to hell and back.Try and find 2 that you think are a bit more helpful and then cultivate them.


A PhD is about learning to be an independent researcher and as such, you shouldn't expect to have constant supervision. However, most people will need a fair bit of guidance during the first few months of a PhD so don't be afraid to ask if you need help. Are there other people who could advise you (other post-grad students or post-docs)? Do you have regular meetings (weekly? fortnightly?) where you can discuss problems and plan future work? If not, it might be worth asking if you can schedule some more regular contact. Good luck :o)


Hey Ann. Hope all is ok. Did you manage to submit?


Hi AnonPhD! Yes, thanks, I did submit last Tues and it was stressful to the end! Up until 5am sorting all the print outs and fighting with the table of contents, then at 10am I found that the binding place was unable to bind as one volume (despite me visiting weeks before to check that they could) so I've ended up with separate appendices (after frantic checking with post-grad office!). After it was finally submitted, I then noticed the wonky pages and typos...groan! How are things with you? All the best, Ann :o)


OMG!! You're almost finished. Congrats and well done. As for me, crap crap and more crap. Will this ever end???


Hi AnonPhD, thank you for your congrats but it still feels like there is a long way to go (small matter of a panel of examiners to convince yet!) What stage are you at? You will get there in the end! Very best wishes, Ann


4 supervisors? sounds like too many cooks...think about exactly what support you need? discussing experiments? methods? management of time? maybe you should set up some regular meetings with your main supervisor to discuss issues. make a list of things you need to discuss. getting your supervisor to do their job is sometimes a job in itself. i myself, eventually decided to manage myself and it worked out fine, but that is not really possible when you just starting out so ask for what you need.


Hello. I am a journalist writing a piece for The Independent about the quality of PhD supervision. I would like to include as many comments from students as possible. If you would be happy to speak to me I'd be most grateful. You could keep name and institution details anonymous if you wished. I may be contacted at [email protected] or on 07985 167 258. Thank you.