Obtaining BSc AFTER MSc and professional qualifications?


I have a professional and advanced diploma (Logistics) from a recognised UK chartered institute. They are accredited at BSc level and in some universities offer exemptions to up to two thirds of a BSc. I also have 2 other professional qualifications in other fields.

I will soon complete my Masters (which I applied for through my professional qualifications) but I still wanted that BSc certificate - without doing the work...

Should my Masters offer exemptions? Is there a way of designing my own BSc degree and use all of the professional qualifications and my Masters to meet the requirements of the degree?

Any ideas would be really appreciated


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You may be able to miss out the first year or even two of a BSc degree, but I would have thought that you will have to do at least the final year, regardless of what qualifications you already have. If you want a degree you have to put work towards it (Belford degrees excluded regardless of the qualifications you already have.

Do you really need a BSc if you already have an MSc plus two professional qualifications? Will it really help you in your career? If not then there is really not much point in just collecting more and more qualifications.


You want to undertake a BSc in something you have an MSc in? Is that correct? Well I don't understand why at all. It can't be for CV purposes as that would ask more questions than it would answer for potential employers. Frankly, I don't see the point.


Sounds like you are trying to collect letters after your name.

Maybe if you could be a bit more specific about WHY you need to have this BSc qualification and how it would help with your career.


'Sounds like you are trying to collect letters after your name'

...in a funny order. Potential employers will look at WHEN you attained these qualifications and ask the same questions we are asking here. You won't be able to get by with just saying I have a BSc and an MSc. On paper [job application forms] it will say the dates too you know..

Sorry if that rains on your parade a bit.


Golfpro is absolutely right. It will look VERY odd to do it the 'wrong' way around


haha no you are right.

The Masters is in International Business, the professional qualifications are in Logistics. I just thought a BSc in Logistics would carry more weight than the profesisonal qualifications in that particulart subject, and thought about filling in the general gaps I would find in the BSC (i..e management, research etc) with the MSc modules. If i'm honest, there is a bit of self satisfaction as I always wanted a BSc but did not have the opportunity when leaving school (I'm 30 now).

Thinking again, I don't think it's worth it. If I really want to study afterwards I hsould think upwards!