occupational hazards of a PhD?


any one had any bad back aches that never seem to go away or addictions that has taken over your life as a result of doing the PhD?


My hands hurt sometimes from all the typing


My bottom is continuously expanding.


back and neck aches, worsening sight, arm aches, insomnia, depression:)


If you use a VDU for more than a certain number of hours a day, see if your University's Occupational Health Unit (or similar) offer to pay for eye tests etc, most employers do.


weight gain - the biggest hazard!!!!!!!!


weight and low self esteem- and looking down a microscope for too long doesn't help either.


LOL at H. Expanding bottom is a huge problem for me too...by the time I finish writing up, mine will have its own postcode. Get bored, eat chocolate. Have bad day in the lab, eat muffins. Have bad meeting, eat cake. Experiment fails, eat lollies. Writers block, eat gelati. Any of the above, drink alcohol.


Piglet- we could swap- I got eating problems:)


Verdy, I am not sure what you mean, but if you are referring to an eating disorder, then my heart goes out to you. I have never experienced one, but I imagine it is tough. Hope you are coping.


Piglet, my bum cheeks have seperate postcodes - or so my lovely bloke keeps telling me.

Verdy - sorry to hear about your eating disorder, I can't imagine what it would be like as I have never had a problem stuffing my fat face Big hug {{{{{{}}}}}}


Tee hee, H. I have a similar situation with my boyfriend. He calls mine wobble bottom and the other day when I was walking backwards, he started going "beep beep beep" like a reversing truck!


Oh, thank you all- hugs help a lot:))
Piglet- about swaping I meant- I give you part of my aversion to eating to move your bottoms back to the same postcode but you give me some obsession for cakes, chocolates to keep me on more or less healthy weight:))) Agreed;))?


weight loss


Piglet, "the other day when I was walking backwards"??? Why were you walking backwards?