Over-60 Looking for Funded PhD


I am over 60 and living in Wales. Not eligible for Student Finance due to age. I will have an MArt to support my application, when I make one. I need to know if it is realistic to look for a PhD funded outside the student loan system (PhDs are now funded in Wales via SFW) and welcome any advice and direction on making this a reality.


Like anyone else, you are not going to know until you try I'm afraid and it will depend on your area of interest.
This website is a good place to start looking for fully funded positions as is jobs.ac.uk

Of course the question you are not asking is the one you really want answered. No I don't think your age will be a problem :-) People of all ages do PhDs.

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Yeah I agree with pm133, age won't be a problem with most supervisors or unis. They don't really care about you being too old. Though as you said funding might be the limiting factor.


To me it sounds like your location may be a bigger issue than your age. Most UK PhDs are RC funded and age is not a deciding factor. But you may need to relocate. Good luck!