Over-qualified and can't get a job....


So, you get good GCSE's, good A-Levels, a good degree and a chance to do a PhD and think, hey, what the hell, can't hurt!
Well, ARGH!!! I can't get the job I want because apparently now I'm overqualified....ARGH!!! I'm trying to write my thesis and I simply don't want to. There seems no point anymore and I can't find any motivation to do this.
ARGH. Just wanted a rant and a break from my thesis....


What job exactly do you want?


The job is a Clinical Embryologist, working in fertility treatment. My PhD is in embryology and I thought this would be ideal. I did get career advice as I was finishing my undergrad and all the info said that to progress to senior positions, a PhD was necessary. What I have since been told is that people normally take career breaks and do a PhD after initially getting the job, and not come into the job with one.
I'm desperately not trying to be narrow minded but I cannot think of anything else i want to do! After all, I picked my undergrad degree with this job in mind and have now spent 3 1/2 years on a PhD that I thought would boost my chances of getting a job!!!


Who says you are overqualified? People may well differ from dept to dept. You would have an obvious advantage if the dept you are applying to wants to expand their research etc. Please don't panic yet, you have come too far already.


My colleague (currently writing up her PhD) has just been accepted for exactly this position so I don't think you need worry. Plenty of clinical scientist trainees in the NHS have PhDs.


Thanks for your replies. I was turned down for 3 jobs and they told me that this was the reason that I didn't even get an interview - that they didn't want anyone with a PhD. Ann, would you mind telling me what clinic she has been accepted at, and where she found the vacancy advertised? Many thanks.


I'll ask her, but I don't see her very often...I think the job is in Bristol.


Thanks Ann.