Personal Statement Help Please I am completely lost


So I applied late to PhD programs last round, and due to that and family illnesses I was unable to even make interviews :( I am currently taking a year off and working in a lab near me and taking some graduate classes. However, I would still like to apply for the 2013 class for a PhD in Genetics (or molecular biology depending on the university). I am published, I recieved two bachelor degrees and have presented at several symposiums. My GPA is a 3.4, which I know is weak however I was struggling with a severe illness during one year (I don't know how to touch on that in my statement). Basically, I have no idea how to write a personal statement to make me standout. If anyone would be willing to help, give advice, or look at my statement as I work on it I would greatly appreciate it :) I am really lost and would appreciate any help one can give!

Also, since my last round of applications fell through and I was not accepted, I realize I need to make some huge changes so I am asking what you think my biggest weaknesses are?

Thank you guys so much :) I am really nervous I won't succeed a second time around!



I also took a year off before starting my PhD and it does not reflect bad on you. I wouldn't write anything about my health issues/ family problems in the application. There is an equality form, where you can choose to include this information.
In your application you should focus on your strengths, which is basically your published work. Moreover, write something about your research interests. If you have 2 bachelors in different fields, then stress out that you can develop a multi-disciplinary approach combining both fields.

Also, you should consider doing a master before the PhD in the same university. You have more chances of securing funding if your supervisor already knows you and wants to keep working with you.


Wouldn't mind looking at your personal statement if that would help. Otherwise what the previous poster said. Focus on your strengths!


======= Date Modified 26 Jul 2012 11:43:13 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============
*double post*


======= Date Modified 25 Jul 2012 16:13:54 =======
It is very important that the content of your personal statement is relevant to the courses you are applying for. It is of course important to talk about hobbies and interests, as they shape your personality, but you don’t want this to take up the bulk of your personal statement.
It is also very important to show why your experiences and qualifications are relevant to your course. It is not enough to state that you have completed a placement at a hospital if you are applying to study medicine.
You need to talk about your experiences on the placement and why they have encouraged you to apply for medicine. This example can be transferred to other courses and experiences of course.


Some important things to include would be:

-your motivation for doing a PhD
-a brief description of the skills learned during each of your degrees (and any work experience) and how these will help you during your PhD
-your career ambitions and how this PhD will contribute to your career growth (ex: what skills are you looking to gain during this PhD?)
-challenges you may face while doing your PhD and how you expect to overcome them
-reasons for why you are applying to a particular school

Hope this helps. If you'd like I'd be more than happy to look over your personal statement.

Good Luck!!!:-)