Hey everyone,

I would love just some advice please as I do not know any way forward.

Graduated about 4 years ago, studied Education Studies in order to start my career in teaching however graduated with a third. I had a PGCE lined up at Roehampton at the time and still is an amazing place of study so I was heartbroken when I had no choice but to turn it down.

I need to just get some advice on what options there may be. I have looked through so many options (GTP,SCITT,SCHOOLS DIRECT) and obviously none would give someone like me a chance. I am debating whether to transfer my credits to the open uni and do a new degree as education studies I found was not for me or just grin and bear it and retake my final year at my old establishment or do I risk being a TA for the next year or so and hoping someone then will take a chance on me.

I run my own private tuition company single handedly and absolutely love it. This is something I do in addition to working 9-5 and I do all my own research with regards to teaching methods, national curriculum etc.

Can anyone please advice me if they feel they know what they would do in my situation. All I know is I will be in teaching I just have no idea which way to go about it. It's hard to go back to education after so many years but if it means that if will finally get to where I want to be in life I wouldn't care about the funding I would have to do it. Just not so sure about how easy it will be.

All thoughts so welcome thanks in advance.



I completed my PGCE in 2012 (Secondary though) and not sure if your Primary/Secondary. I know the entry requirements was a minimum of a 2:2 at the time that I done my PGCE, however I have heard ones being accepted with a third however that was down to many places being available on some courses. I studied at Uni of Worcester and would suggest to ring around as many as possible ASAP as there may be still vacant places on some courses that Uni's are struggling to fill.

If not successful, on this route I would directly ask admissions what additional experience you may need - some may ask for a Masters to supplement your Undergrad Degree. I can feel how passionate you are and have no doubt that you will be a great teacher. Many students who I know got 2:2 made fab teachers - it was just something at the end after Graduation that I realised just wasn't for me.

Hope you get something and as I say ring, ring, ring and ring again!! A door will open :)

J x


Thanks for your help J. Seriously means a lot. After I couldn't get in anywhere I kinda gave up for a bit but I'm going to ring round this week to see just what some universities will actually let onto the PGCE. I get how competitive it is but I have known I will teach ever since I was young so it needs to happen sooner rather than later now. Willing to do what is needed and more. I would have to do primary as I do not have any subject enhancement (this was what I was told I would need for secondary) I will start ringing institutions is week and see what they say. As of next September when I'm back on track as I have just come back from travelling I will know what to aim for.

Thanks for your help again :)



I used to do a lot of work with PGCE's/School Direct so I might be able to help you...

In a nutshell, it is unlikely that you will be accepted onto a PGCE at a University with a 3rd (unless you have around 1 years experience teaching in classrooms). If you have had such experience then you stand a chance, but then it of course depends upon the subject you wish to teach and the level of competition for places. Also, geographical location can play a role as I am aware that places are harder to obtain in 'the North' than 'the South' due to a multitude of factors.

Regarding School Direct, this can be a minefield for me to advise as schools (in my experience) are more willing to accept people with 3rd class degrees if they genuinely like you as a person. After all, they will be the ones teaching you. It may be the case that schools could stipulate that you complete subject knowledge enhancement (there are shorter courses available at certain Universities) in the year preceding your enrolment with the school. If you want to do down the route of School Direct then I would strongly advise you to contact as many schools as possible to ascertain how many places they have. No point applying to a school if it has one place when another has 20! It's just a numbers game, and the schools do not usually divulge this information on their websites.

Also, if you studied Education Studies then you will most likely be looking at Primary or Post-16. As you probably know, Primary is in demand and Post-16 less so.

With your experience you certainly stand a good chance. When writing your personal statement just make sure that you clearly stipulate exactly how much experience you have had, and if appropriate, what experience you expect to get in the coming months. Being ambiguous on this front will give you a first-class trip to the rejection pile!!

