PhD Advice


Hello everyone,

I have just had my PhD application accepted and all things well will start in October. I will work full time and study part time, my PhD will cross over Sports Medicine and Sports Science. As I have a few months before I officially start does anyone have an recommendations of things to do in between now and October?



Spend your time doing all those things you've been meaning to do for ages but haven't got around to... you're not going to have much time to do them over the next 6 or so years!

Joking aside, congrats on getting on to a PhD. You can read up on things like 'what I wished I knew when I started my PhD' etc, so you know what to expect. Also try and find out what training will be available when you start (might be on uni website) and reading a few odd things in your field. But really you don't need to do anything, you can do all this when you start as the first stages are very slow.


Chill out so that you are nice and relaxed and in top form for your PhD. Read casually for interest only - nothing forced. That'll come later : )


I found a book approx. 2 years into my Ph.D that I wished I had been read before I started. It is "The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research" by Marian Petre and Gordon Rugg.

It provides tips and advice on how to make the most of your PhD from the start. Maybe worth a read if you find yourself at a loose end.


I've read that too, great book