PhD application


I got a 2.2 for my BSc. I have been working in a lab for the past 2 years and managed to get my name on 2 papers (high impact journals). I have now caught the research bug and am thinking of doing a PhD. Will I still have to take the MSc route for a PhD in London?

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It depends on how your current boss views you. You could approach him and ask if he will let you register for a part time PhD, based around the work you are already doing in the lab. Depending on your supervisors attitude and who is paying the money for your salary this could be a possibility.


Theoretically, yes, you will need an MSc BUT exceptions are made in London for people such as yourself. I would recommend you look for a "Research Technician" post which allows PhD study alongside it. You won't miss your current salary and they will be more interested in your skills rather than exambased record.

If I were allowed to overhall PhDs, I'd stop the 2:1 entry requirement. Some people with amazing U/G project work get 2:2s and a lot of 1sts are inept in the lab.


Oh and she's based in London and is not backward in coming forward to offer advice to Stu (who has caught the research bug, it would seem).