PhD Books.. Helpful or not?


Evening All,

I am going to be starting a PhD in September in the field of veterinary bacteriology. I was wondering if anyone had read any of the books suggested on the books page of If so are they a helpful and useful purchase?



Cheers guy.. I like the beer idea DanB

And sorry I didn't realise there had been a previous thread on the topic.. I should have guessed there had been


No problem, I was just being too lazy to type out my opinions again!


Is that to make up a piece in 'PhD - The musical' ?


Got horrible cold this weekend so finding the tap choreography harder than normal :o( However, a classic time step might do the job nicely


I read them! (Sorry - I know it's not cool)
My opinion:
'Your PhD Companion'- Cynical and scary, paints a fairly grim picture.

'How to get a PhD' - Much calmer, more realistic feel. Good advice. Doesn't make evrything sound rosy but is enthusiastic.

But it is also advisable to talk to someone who is doing it.

Good luck!


I vote for 'Your PhD Companion'. I thought it was a good read, but don't buy it, borrow it from your library if they have it.


Cheers guys.. I'll take a look in the library and see if they are in there.. Plus there is always ebay