PhD interview help?!



I'm have an interview for a place on a 4 year PhD course coming up. I do not have to a project or lab yet (you do this at the end of the 1st year) so I am not sure what to expect from interview. I have done some general research about the department and looked a bit into the labs that I think I will be most interested in (but I can't really throughly research every lab!). I was just wondering if anyone could offer any advice of what to expect or how I can better prepare? I really want this place and I'm not the best in interview situations so any help would be greatly appreciated!


First, I think you should have an idea of what you want to study before you decide you really want the position. Select a few topics that might interest you, then read some papers on those topics, find out which faculty member has done similar research, read their papers, contact them, ask for their advice etc.
Second, ask yourself why do you want to enrol for a PhD course? To postpone the job-hunting and continue your student life? To increase your chances in getting a better job afterwards? Other?
You will probably be asked this at the interview. Good luck!


Hi Mary, there's plenty of suggestions found on some of the topics located in the archive bit. Have a nose about there, everyone's got a great suggestion: mine is (listen to Coral) and be your-relaxed-self