PHD interview in Pain research


So, Ive been offered an interview for a Phd in the Bioinformatics of Pain research...its going to be the first interview I've had....any tips? Also,..its only 15 minutes long, is that normal? Or does it suggest that they are churning through hundreds of applicants like the X factor?

...Also, does anyone know much about the London Pain Consortium? Should I land the position, once the Phd was completed, could I refer to myself as a "Doctor of Pain" could be a deal breaker, should I get an offer.


I'm going to be a Doctor of Pain. I'm in an LPC lab but not actually on an LPC studentship, I know lots of people that are though. I think they choose 3 students each year for LPC, but I'm not sure if it's different for the bioinformatics side of things. Where is your interview? do you know who with?


Im going to be interviewed by Professors Tony Dickenson and Christine Orengo at UCL pharmacology dept. Any idea what to expect at the interview? Its a 4-year course, and I don't think they are particularly looking for people with a very specific background (the advert said people with physics or chemistry degrees were also invited to apply) so I don't think I will have to demonstrate too much specific knowledge. I'm expecting general questions about what I've done and what I hope to achieve,....that about right? Pretty nervous.


I know Tony, he's lovely. He's on facebook if you want to do some background research!

I'll ask my LPC friends what they get asked, but I expect it's just he standard "why do you want to do a PhD" type things. Good luck with the interviews, I hope you get it, it's one of the best paid PhD's I've heard of and you even get a 3 months summer holiday in your first year!


They vary but if you're not doing a presentation then 15 minutes isn't unusual. If you don't have a direct background they won't try and get technical, it's really just a chance to see if you're serious and whether they want to spend 4 years with you!