PhD Interviews


Hello there!, I have a PhD interview coming up preety soon!, and I have a basic (maybe silly) question.

a. what would they expect out of of me? I mean alot of academic questions in conjunction with proposed studies?(rocket science??) Or,
b. Is it like what have i done in the past etc...job experiences n stuff. (like a job interview)


Why are you asking Goldfish?


Depends what subject you are studying and if you have a specific project in mind. If you do, be prepared to discuss the ins and outs of it. In my experience, they'll only be really interested in your academic abilities.


they will ask u about ur proposal. EG. research methodology - why u want to research (dont say u wanna be a dr). Be prepared to defend yourself - be happy and enthusastic - uve got to make them excited abotu ur project. try to use the phrase - when i start here i plan to get involved with .... They will ask about ur previous experience will help u...etc who knows. Will it be a panel of people that will be interviewing you?


hey Sid & DanB thanks alot. well, i dont know if it would be a panel or what. I actually applied for a studentship and they have now asked me to come up for an interview.

''H'', am asking coz I am asked to come up and give one.:)


lol, sorry Goldfish, the question was actually directed to some random person that had posted a totally random question before me on your thread, however it got removed and mine didn't?!?!? Good luck though!

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H - sorry we didn't take your post off when we removed the one asking for information about PhD levels, we didn't realise you were replying to that one - we just thought you wanted more info about Goldfish's situation.