PhD Journey - Where to Start?


Hi There! I'm hoping someone out there can help answer a few questions I have about beginning the process of finding a PhD programme. I completed my MA a few years ago and have been working in the international development arena since then. I am interested in pursuing research related to forced migration/human trafficking. I have investigated a few universities and am wondering what the best process is for finding a programme. My questions are:

1. At the moment, I do not have a full proposal outlined. Would it be best to contact potential supervisors to see if they are interested in my general topic or should I generate a complete idea and then contact potential supervisors?

2. How involved is a potential supervisor in the development of an idea prior to an applicant's acceptance to a programme?

3. How many universities is it customary to apply to? (I won't be applying until 2010)

Thanks to anyone who can offer some guidance!!


There are no hard and fast rules with regard to this kind of stuff, so its general info only.
1. You don't need to have a full proposal written down (although some will expect this) to contact potential supervisors - just a very clear idea of what you want to do. You will need an analytical framework and a series of questions you want to address as a bare minimum.
2. If you are applying for PhD funding often you will find that supervisors will help you refine your proposal especially if you want research council funding... but this is not necessarily true.
3. Most people I know applied for half a dozen - I applied for 4, and got 4 acceptances, but only 2 offers of funding


Hi There! Thanks for the reply it as very useful. Out of curiosity, did you enter your programme straight after completing another degree? If not, how much prep time did you give yourself to configure your proposal? Cheers!!


Hi there, thanks for this. It has been most helpful.
