phd opportunities


Hello there,
I'm a master student in Italy and I want to continue with my studies in a phd level. At the next season I will begin to search for a program abroad. I'm studying mathematics. My undergraduate gpa is 8 and my graduate gpa so far (I'm missing 4 out of 10 courses) is 7.5. My questions are:
1. At first, how difficult is to be accepted in a phd program with these stats in Europe and how many application i must do to maximize the probability to get into a phd ? Do I need to do applications outside Europe too ? (I prefer no.)
2. The most important thing to be able to go abroad for studying, is financial support. So, how many opportunities i have for a funding phd ? and what is the percentage of funding phds in Europe ? I know that the competition for some financial support is increased and I'm very anxious about this. I have heard that most students receive a scholarship or something, it is true ?
My questions are very general and there is no a certain answer, i know, so thank very much everyone who will answer ! I'm waiting for some posts !


You should really email the universities you're interested in applying to find out what their entry requirements are. If you are not happy about applying outside of Europe then don't. You don't want to end up somewhere you're not going to be happy moving to for 3-4 years.

Financial support is quite difficult to get because the competition is really difficult. That shouldn't stop you from applying though.


Hi Aimy,

You might want to try searching on

You can narrow the search to include the funding options / location you want. Good luck!