Poor support from supervisor


I have recently started a mphil, with promise that it will be converted to a Phd.

I did not have an official interview when I joined this lab, so I did not know the position well. Basically my previous lab sent me here. The problem I have is that my supervisor is a really kind person, but totally no thoughts. He is a physician and I agree that he is a good doctor. However he has no ideas for my research project- and I have suggested a few but he refused, saying he had done similar stuff(but i looked up and its totally different). The current research he is asking me to do is like using moisturiser frequently will improve skin hydration.

I cannot discuss any science with him and I dont think he is capable to supervise a sensible phd project. Should I finish my mphil(2 years) and go somewhere else for phd? Or should I not waste time and find another placement? May I have advise on how to identify a good supervisor?


I'd probably say look for a another PhD elsewhere. It's going to be really difficult without a supportive and knowledgeable supervisor. But find a PhD first before you jump ship! And bear in mind it's really difficult to find out how good a supervisor is unless you meet ppl from their lab and ask them, and obviously that's hard to do.

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It's probably also worth suggesting that it should not be taken for granted that their is a 'promise that it will be converted to a Phd.' You have to work towards it and then upgrade if succesful. So I'm not sure you would be able to do the two separately.