Post Christmas Blues?


Hello. I have started my PhD in October in a foreign country away form family and friends. Things were going well, but now that I am back after some great Christmas holidays I am missing everyone a lot, especially my fiancee, and wishing I could be back home. It has nothing to do with my Phd, but more a sense of loneliness and looking at 3 years away form my fiancee and family. I was not feeling like this in my first 3 months (we were meeting a bit more often then...once every month...and now we will reduce to once every 1.5-2months). Has anyone experienced this? Any tips?


Hey Ailicec

I think sometimes being away from people you love and care for actually makes you understand their real value and importance. So, dont be sad and besides in a few weeks you'll be fine. Christmas and holidays can have that effect on our minds. I din't see my family for nearly 3 years due to studies abroad. But, I was more eager to meet them and they were so surprised to see so many changes in me and we had a laugh about it. So, do what you wana do and if they are people who love you then you can be assured that they will stay in your life no matter what! So, be true to yourself and make use of technology to connect with your loved ones from time to time and above all don`t isolate yourself as it can cause depression...make sure you go out with your friends and bring back interesting memories and anecdotes of your loved ones. That will just keep them fresh and make you feel their presence even though they are not around. And finally, take this opportunity to grow and learn more about yourself...this opportunity may not come around once you marry or have other responsibilities to take care of.