PostgradForum Merchandise/Freebies

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A quick survey: If we were to consider bringing out some FindAPhD/FindAMasters/PostGradForum merchandise, either to sell or to give away, what should it be? T-shirts? Lab coats? Small novelty dogs to sit on your desk? Stress toys?

Answers on a postcard (or Forum message) please......


The little balls of fluff with goggly eyes :)




Quirky is good but mugs/pens/post-its are always welcome too! How about a set of graded stress balls for each stage of your PhD i.e. golf ball sized for first year through to beach ball sized (or space-hopper!) for final year? ;o)


stress balls sound very good I have a stress duck. Also things like pens, mugs etc. stuff that I can use.


Oh and I think novelty cats are better than dogs!


Quirky is definitely good! The quirkier the better.

In the meantime how about post it notes (you can never have too many) and other stationary, mugs etc... while you work on the quirky freebies! You are really expanding now! ;) Next it'll be the bright lights of the West End ... Findaphd ... the musical!! ;)


opps meant stationery ... been in lab too long!! I guess the ultimate thing would be a dictionary!!


Yeah, I want a mug!


DanB, with all this gay theory surrounding you, I think your part would have to be played by Rupert Everett....


With regards to merchandise: large mugs for coffee so we can get a good caffeine fix before starting all nighters; post-its to right down all the things we've forgotten to do or to quickly scribble down an epiphany and finally a sticker I can put on my computer which says: "IT'LL WORK OUT IN THE END" which I can use for positive reinforcement when I'm crying over reactions which have stubbornly refused to work again :-)


I dont, yuk! Can't imagine being a vegan, I love milk too much. I think its against my religion to be vegan.


Sorry that was in reply to whoever wanted to know DJWicked's secret ingredient.

Andy, don't cry over reactions, they are so not worth it. Just be a cowboy and dump everything in any old way (as long as its not gonna explode), thats what I used to do (the cowgirl I am) and it worked brilliantly :D


mouse mats, desk calendars, diarys

Avatar for FindAPhD

We've already got FindA... Post-its and FindA.. mouse mats. We've even got some FindAPhD coasters which turned out not to be suitable for hot drinks.

We'll send one of these treasured items to anyone who can email us a photo of a FindAPhD poster in their department. If anyone can get a photo of one of our bus adverts we'll send you the complete collection.

Offer Ends November 10th