project proposal


lf l choose to do one of the projects aready advertised for the university department of my choise do lsend in a project proposal .lt looks like copying to me coz the problem area ,approaches and all methods will be stated in brief what do l do ?l believe the supervisor has already defined and needs someone to do that research and applying for it means you are prepared to take up everything and research possibly according to his instruction so what is aproposal for?


The best thing to do is to ask this question from the Project supervisor himself/herself.

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If you want to pursue a project in the sciences then unless you are funding yourself the research project will be defined for you. In a small number of cases a university department will ask for research proposals for funding which is not allocated to a specific project but this is not common. Projects are peer reviewed to check that they have a sound scientific basis and that they are achievable by a PhD student within three years. If you are asked for a proposal then send a short paragraph outlining broadly your area of interest and ask for guidance as to how much detail they require for the full proposal.