Reference from supervisor- advice required!


I have just started the final year of my PhD and I am about to apply for a couple of Postdoctoral Research Fellowships which begin next Autumn, which fund the recipient to do independent research for 3 years.

I am in the middle of getting my application pack together. My supervisor is being great about giving me a reference and wants to make sure she says the right sorts of things. But this is the problem- as well as asking to see my application pack she has asked me what sorts of things I want her to highlight. I have absolutely no idea. Oviouisly nobody can give me any specific examples from my own work history :p but does anyone have any general ideas or advice? I've never been asked by anyone what I want them to write in a reference before!




Are there any criteria given on the postdocs that they will be judging applications on? You might want her to to focus the reference around those points. You could give her specific examples e.g. if it says originality, tell her what exactly you think is particularly original about your proposal.


Thank you! There doesn't seem to be much specific information about the criteria, but now that I have gone back and checked there are a few points included in the eligibility requirements which I could discuss with her as a starting point.

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In my recent reference, my supervisor highlighted the fact that I work very promptly, have great publications coming out, am very organised and juggle multiple projects, good at teaching (I am amazing obviously at everything).

If you're going to just have 1 reference, then make sure its a balance of teaching/research mention publications and any other strengths etc. because some jobs will be full on teaching, some will be purely research, some will be a mix, some will require you to have worked with xyz participants etc. so a balanced reference should serve you well.


Thanks Sneaks, that is helpful. Both of my supervisors are giving me references, and I'll make sure one of them mentions the teaching I have done in the department.