Referencing when using JSTOR


Does anyone use JSTOR to access articles? How I am meant to reference articles I get from JSTOR - is it enough just to include the Author, Title and JSTOR URL, or am I supopsed to include the specific journal info JSTOR gives you, like the journal it gets the articles from, and page numbers, etc.?


I usually reference journa papers from JStore as journal papers, not as links. I.e. Author (years) Title, Journal title, Volume, Issu, pages. Jstore is just a tool, place where you get papers, nothing more. Like library (we dont write the name of library we get papers from). So it does not need to be mentioned in the refereces.


Always write it as you would any other paper. Its the paper you're referencing, not the search tool!


Thanks guys. I was just having a momentary lapse of logic!


yep, ditto just reference them as you would a normal article, for help with referencing ect tho I reccomend you download the MHRA handbook... everything you ever wanted to know about formatting ect and then some you can download it for free from here


Yes I reference the actual paper as well (which can be done easily by exporting the reference from JSTOR directly to EndNote, RefWorks and other referencing softwares).