schadenfreude- AM I a bad person??


Last year we had a PhD student who had exceptionally good postdoc supervision, an excellent project, no major setbacks whatsoever, published first author twice in good journals- and just couldn't understand why we other PhDs where struggling so much .... now she's working in a different lab, and things are not going good for her and she's developed a stress related skin condition and had to take some time off.

... I feel a itzy little bit of schadenfreude (i.e. Happiness at someone elses misfortune)now - does that make me a bad person??


I think that's human nature


Did I mention that she was finished in under three years??


Then that definitely doesn't make you a bad person!!


I don't think you have anything to feel bad about.. Its only natural to feel a bit satisfied if someone is having difficulties that you had.. Especially if like you say this person couldn't understand why other PhDs where struggling so much.

As long as you don't rub her nose in her misfortune you have nothing to worry about


I agree with Tricky - as long as you keep it to yourself, be as joyous at you want!


As she's at another university and just came back for gaduation day- no problems there....

Hmm, we haven't got a smily with a really gleefull expression, so I'll just sit here and feel smug.... he he


are you sure its a stress related skin conditon?