Second year viva


I just had my second year viva, (only 4 months late!) so thought I would let you know how it went.

It was only 45 minutes long and it was really easy... this makes me very worried about what questions I will be asked in my real viva and how I will cope with difficult questions!

They started by asking me how my second year went and to tell them about the results I had, and then about the results I have got since my report was written. Then they asked about what I thought was publishable work etc but not where I aim to publish, thankfully, because I have no idea!

They asked about my thesis structure and said that I should have sent them a written idea of a thesis structure (which I didn't, since I don't know yet!) and they told me to send it to them in the next few weeks.

They asked a bit about some of the experiments, what I thought were the weaknesses in them and how they could be improved. Nothing too challenging because I think I've already thought about how to improve them.

Finally they just asked whether there was anything else I wanted to ask them or mention, and I just talked about something I'm doing now that they didn't mention.

My supervisor just told me that he spoke to my assessors after the viva and they said I was 'confident and professional' so I guess I did ok :)

An easy viva is a mixed blessing... on the one hand it's not nice to have a difficult viva, whereas on the other at least it prepares you for the real thing.