Should I take up a Masters?


I stumbled on this forum and it is the perfect place for me to get some views on an issue that is troubling me lately.

I've not thought about doing my masters until my company offered to sponsor me for the program. It is a great offer, except for the fact that I am not motivated to do it. If I take up the offer, it will be on a part-time basis, and I have family commitments, which means I really have to manage my time well.

I am now evaluating some institutions, a couple of which requires GMAT score, and a couple that don't. Can I conclude that those requiring GMAT as more recognised? I already have no motivation to study masters, and now I am reading up on how to ace the GMAT and that alone is quite a task.

Should I take up masters just because it is sponsored? Appreciate your views!


I guess I would be asking myself what difference it would make to my life. It seems like a good offer, but only if it fits your long-term plan - if you don't need it, don't put yourself through it. It IS hard to study and work and bring up a family at the same time, so unless you really want it and can see how it would be worthwhile, give yourself a break!


Based on what you have said so far....probably not no.


yeah, i guess so. it's such a relieve to make the decision and have the burden lifted.