Should I undertake a research masters in law?



I work in criminal justice and I am about to complete my 2nd degree which was in law. The areas of law I am most passionate about are criminal law, law of evidence and human rights law, but honestly I am quite terrified of undertaking a research masters in case I am simply not good enough. I also have 2 very young children and I am also concerned that I wont have time to work on it properly. I just dont want to start it unless I can finish it! Is there anyone else out there who has been in a similar situation and managed to do it?? I do love this subject and I know a masters would be
extremely beneficial - but I just need to know it can be done, along with working 3 days a week and ensuring that my kids dont miss out also!

Please help!



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Hi Katy

I hope someone on here will be able to help you out. By the sounds of it you're looking to study part time. You can view a selection of part time LLM by Research masters courses on FindAMasters.


Hi Andy Yes it will definitely be part time study
- thanks for responding Kathleen


Hi Katy

although not in law, I have a research masters and now am nearly finished my PhD - I did all my study, ie undergrad to masters to PhD as a mature student. I have four children, a dog and a hubby on shift work so I can vouch for saying that it's possible. Although I didn't have a part time job while studying I did teach a lot of tutorials, exam invigilation - you name it I did it! Best advice I can give is that you just need to be prepared to juggle and to be honest as a mother I think guilt is part of the package! Guilt that you're not studying enough, guilt that you're studying too much, guilt that the house is a mess, guilt that your children are not getting enough quality time... However in the end it all gets done. If you are working 3-days a week plus studying plus looking after your family you have to be prepared to work at your studies at odd times. You probably will have to study when your kiddies are in bed or at school or when your husband is out etc. At times you'll resent it but as you say it will be worth it and it sounds like for your particular area, it will certainly be worth it.

Keep all those balls in the air and multi-task (up)


Ady  thanks so much for your post. I am actually
quite inspired after reading it! I suppose I am quite used to juggling lots of
different tasks at the same time ie kids, studying, work etc and I have survived
this long with minimal sleep I suppose another few years wont hurt!! Thanks