Specifying timetable on research proposal


I'm applying for an environmental policy PhD, and have to write a 3-4 page research proposal. Among others, I have to specify a projected timetable for the research. How do I approach this?
One piece of advice I got was put down 1st year for literature review and complete research proposal. But that is pretty general and also leaves 2 more unspecified years... hmm.. ideas anyone?


i have produced mine using excel. Put the months across the top, and down the side you put the headings. for example. My first version had main headings, lit review, methodology etc, broken down just a bit e.g the lit review was broken down into: 1. lit review, which went across most of the time - as you will be adding to it as new stuff appears no doubt, 2. writing up the lit review was in chunks of a couple of months at a time spaced across most of the time available, and 3. draft lit review somewhere in the last third of the time available. introduction was broken down into a couple of chunks as a general heading, and draft introduction appeared twice, once about a third of the way along, and again somewhere approaching the end when other chapters had been allocated a draft write up stage, as obviously the other chapters affect the intro. Methodology was divided up into methodology, ethics, prep of questionnaire in my case etc. Once you have the basic layout of what you are doing, presumably if you are doing practical stuff you will be able to allocate that a slot, if you are looking a policies from specific points of view, allocate a space for each one, say policy on draining wetlands, or restocking fish (sorry if these are rubbish ideas, not my field)you can just play about with the planning of your work, colour the cells in, combining as necessary so that you have collecting in one colour, drafts in another and so on. Don't forget the writing up bit at the end- which I have in bright yellow - something to aim for! :-)


Thanx! Very helpful answer!!