Stressed: How on earth to you get a PhD?


I am getting increasingly stressed. I have applied to ~ 10 (maybe more) different institutions for PhD's with(3-4 alternate options at each institute). From this I have had ~ 4 interviews. Apart from 1 (im still awaiting the outcome), I have been refused from every where. I have a first class degree with an award for best dissertation and a year in industry. I dont know what else I can do apart from working in industry again (which means relocating, plus I dont fancy doing that for another year). I can't afford to do masters. I feel like giving up on this PhD business its far too competitive. Maybe I dont fit into the academic mould. I know what I want to do but I can't do it!Agggh!!!


Have you asked for feedback on why you weren't offered the other PhD positions? It's really helpful to know why as you then know what you have to do to make sure you get the next project. Of course, it may just be down to other candidates having more relevant experience but you won't know unless you ask. Hope you get good news from the latest application.


Hi, yes I did get feedback from one interview. They said the only reason I was unsucessful was that the other person had more relevant experience (this institute was very friendly).
However, I have felt some institutes have been quite rude. One particular one invited me for an interview (as a student had dropped out)and then said that my CV was not good enough for a BBSRC studentship! They should have not have asked me for an interview in the first place if this was the case!

I do apologise. I am having internet connection problems. I spent ages writing a great reply and lost my message. It looks like I will have to get back to the drawing board.


Thanks Ann

...the waiting game is awful, fingers crossed for my last chance at a PhD for this year.

Right, Im going to listen to folk music and forget about PhD's for tonight.


I guess this post is purely academic now, hey Anniv21?

Well done mate!


I might have missed it but how did it turn out to be so good?

You said you lost all your chances? They have changed their minds? Offered you something else? I am quite curious and desperate to hear a success story.

Well done:)