Student bank accounts


can you still have a student bank account with a free overdraft when you are a PhD student?


Ask ! Negotiate hard ! There doesn't seem to be any hard and fast rule - normally they reduce the interest free amount each year (as a graduate account), but i've managed to convince mine to keep it as it is for another year. If you've not been over your overdraft and used your account wisely they can look favourably. But ask and see what they offer, good luck !


Yes you can, I have one of £500 pounds, didn't even ask for it the bank just gave it. Natwest bank


I got one from the Royal Bank of Scotland for £2000 interest free!


Hey- that's not fair! As an international student I don't get any overdraft at all!


Sometimes just taking the "graduate account" option is better than reinstating your student status. The Graduate Loan is better value than any credit card, afterall. You'll also be able to get Graduate Mortgages. I'm told HSBC are good.


My bank extended my student account to cover another 3 years with full interest free overdraft facilities etc