Studentship Application Process


Can Anyone explain the application process for studentships? I have applied for various studentships but, have never received any replies. If students are unsuccessful for a studentship would they be informed before or after the interview dates for shortlisted candidates? It just seems unfair to have students waiting for replies, even to say your application wasn't successful. Atleast you would know of your situation to move on with other plans. Anybody have similar problems?


This seems to be the case. I have applied to loads and just never receive any reply. What I do is email asking on the progress of my application so even if the answer is no I at least know where i Sstand. Hope this helps


Enclose 2 stamped self addressed postcards with your application and refer to them in your cover letter. On one card write 'your application has been safely received' and on the other write 'sorry, your application was unsuccessful'. That way you can track the progress of your application and if you don't get an interview, at least you are not waiting and hoping in vane. Good luck with future applications.