studying for a PhD


Hi there,

I have applied for a PhD, which says funding (UK/H)- can anyone give me anymore info on this? will there be any salary? also, is the 3 years of carrying out the PhD a long slog or can it be done in the routine of 9-5 give or take a few hours?



It's upto you - if you want to do an average PhD and just scrape by you can only put in a few hours but what is really the point of that? Scientists seem to have a hard time as it's a long hard slog in the lab to get results! You will get out of it what you put in!

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If you are a UK student then it is likely that the studentship will pay your university fees and provide a tax free maintenance grant of around £12500 pa.


If you are lucky you'll get £12.5K, if not you will get considerably less!!!!


I am a Gambian and presently doing LLM in International Development Law and Human Rights at Warwick. I intend to do a PhD next september. What are the prospects for funding and where can I get them.