suffering and no reward for doing a PhD?


See - after reading this, I am seriously considering withdrawing my funding acceptance.


It's just one person's opinion. My two best mates (who are very like me) often talk fondly of the time they spent doing their PhDs a few years ago and have heartily recommended I do it.

Obviously it has its up and downs but I'm looking forward to it.


A PhD is a lifestyle and it isn't for everyone - personally I love it


no one will give a job for a lazy ass. so a phd is the only choice for me.


Jewel - you obviously got the same career advice as me


Please- everyone is overlooking the obvious. You are to a certain extent (and myself to a large extent) YOUR OWN BOSS. Ok, you have deadlines and work to hand in etc but you are left to get on with it. I am anyway, hence the reason Im so behind. But that is the beauty of it.
So when I see article like this one I take no notice as you need to experience the PhD process yourself. Life skills!!!!


I asked a lot of ex-PhD students about the experience and they all said it can be a horrible experience at times, but they also said most of the time it was great and they loved it